Seit 05.06.2003 ist Global Recovery Alliance unser zuverlässiger Partner, wenn es um internationale austehende Patientenrechnungen geht. Zu jedem Zeitpunkt dieser langjährigen, erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit, konnten wir uns voll und ganz auf die Kompetenz und Zuverlässigkeit der Firma Global Recovery Alliance verlassen. Die angewandten Methoden von Global Recovery Alliance ermöglichten uns, Gelder zurück zu gewinnen, welche wir […]
Archives: Testimonials
French Hospital
Mesdames, Messieurs, Despuis le 21 avril 2009, l’enterprise “Global Recovery Alliance AG” est notre partenaire de confiance lorsqu’il s’agit de factures impayées pour nos patients domiciliés à l’étranger. A chacune de nos collaborations, nous avons pu compter sur la compétence et la fiabilité de la société “Global Recovery Alliance AG”. Leurs méthodes de recouvrement nous […]
Hospital in New Jersey
“We contracted with Global to assist in the collection of outstanding debts for international clients that had services provided at our facility. Global Recovery has exceeded all of our expectations in this regard. Their efforts have enabled us to collect and recover on debts that historically were considered noncollectable while maintaining a level of courtesy […]
Australian Hospital
“We would certainly recommend Global Recovery Alliance AG’s services to engage in your collection efforts to resolve outstanding international accounts which would possibly be written off as noncollectable.”
Hospital in Florida
“We have a large volume of International business and as we all know sometimes dealing with insurance companies outside of the USA presents challenges. We have an agreement with Global Recovery to handle these kinds of difficult cases. They provide a much needed service and are very easy to work with on a day-to-day basis. […]
“We have employed Global Recovery to pursue overseas debtors since August 2003. These debts mainly relate to fees to chargeable patients for healthcare treatment. We have found Global Recovery to be a shining example of Swiss efficiency. They are very proactive in tracing and contacting debtors and also in keeping the Trust well informed of […]
Hospital Patient
“It is with great relief and satisfaction that I find myself writing to you. As I am sure you would understand, having any debt recovery dispute going on, it can certainly become an extremely stressful and unhappy experience. Thankfully I am pleased to inform you that on this occasion, this “claim” has had a successful […]